About this course

By knowing where people’s values and beliefs come from you can learn to expect and predict their behavior, and then, you will be on your way to a successful cultural adjustment. The Mexican culture is rich in customs, traditions and intriguing behavioral patterns; and this one-of-its-kind course offers you the opportunity to dive into the very roots of the Mexican way of life. The curriculum and practical activities are carefully designed for:

  • Expats (retirees, executives, diplomats)

  • Foreign students

  • Foreign investors and import/export professionals

  • Travelers

  • Mexican culture enthusiasts

  • Relocation and international mobility professionals

Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    Culture and Human Behavior

    • Section 2 introduction

    • What is culture?

    • Levels of Human Behavior

    • The Process of Cultural Conditioning

    • In the Eye of the Beholder

    • The Cultural Dimensions

    • Concept of Self

    • Gende Values

    • Power Distance

    • Uncertainty Avoidance

    • Communication Styles

    • Use of Time

    • Quiz Section 2

  • 3

    Roots of Mexican Cultural Identity

    • Section 3 Introduction

    • The Aztecs: Introduction

    • The Aztecs: Economy

    • The Aztecs: Government

    • The Aztecs: Social Sectors

    • The Aztecs: Housing and Education

    • New Spain: Labor System

    • New Spain: Social Stratification

    • New Spain: Religious Influence

    • The Mexican Revolution

    • Quiz Section 3

  • 4

    Living with Mexicans: Values and Attitudes

    • Section 4 Introduction

    • Family

    • Friendship

    • Courtesy

    • Helping Others

    • Humor

    • Day of the Dead

    • Mañana

    • Excuses

    • Bribery

    • Quiz Section 4

  • 5

    Working with Mexicans: Management and Negotiation

    • Section 5 Introduction

    • Leadership and Management

    • Perception of Time and Space

    • Communication Patterns

    • Negotiation Style

    • Quiz Section 5

  • 6

    Cases Analysis

    • Section 6 Introduction

    • Tanja

    • Moritz

    • Loviisa

    • Zuzana

    • Activity: Testimonials Analysis

    • Bonus reading: How to empathize with Mexicans


  • Completely online

    You can access the modules from anywhere: the living room, your office, the cafe; and using the device that best suits your needs, your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.

  • Your schedules, your pace

    The estimated time to complete all the modules is 3 hours, which you can organize at your convenience as it is available 24/7.

  • Natural voice and closed captions

    Our video lessons are created with a native speaker natural voice and include closed captions to enhance your learning experience.

Know our learning platform

In this short video, you will be introduced to our friendly e-learning platform.


Consultor Senior

Francisco J. Santana

Francisco is a cross-cultural expert who conducts training sessions for business professionals who are involved in intercultural duties. He specializes in cross-cultural communication, negotiation, and business etiquette; virtual team management, as well as in culture shock. He is the Director of Inteligencia Global Consulting, and is currently a professor at the Universidad Panamericana Guadalajara (UP) and Universidad del Valle de Atemajac (UNIVA).


What students say about this course.

5 clasificación por estrellas

Perfect course for a foreigner in México!

Emma Nielsen

As described in the title, this is a perfect course for a foreigner living in México! As a current exchange student from Denmark, I've experienced a lot of...

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As described in the title, this is a perfect course for a foreigner living in México! As a current exchange student from Denmark, I've experienced a lot of differences between the Danish culture and the Mexican. This course gives a great explanation of the different cultural aspects that you experience as a foreigner here! From history, to the "mañana" concept, to the way of dealing with the mexican people in general - everything is covered in this course, and that is why I would definitly recommend it, if you want to get a headstart of the Mexican culture, before coming to this beautiful country! Best regards, Emma Nielsen, 22 years old, Denmark.

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